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An accurate understanding of harvest trends is required for effective wildlife management. Trapper harvest data represent valuable long-term data for evaluating patterns and trends for wildlife species at broad spatiotemporal scales. Inferring accurate trends from harvest data, however, first requires identifying and controlling for confounding factors that vary independent of abundance. We investigated trends in 43 years of trapper harvest data (1976–2018) from Illinois, USA, for red fox (Vulpes vulpes), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and coyote (Canis latrans) while controlling for factors that may affect trapper effort, including number of effective (i.e., successful) trappers, pelt price, gasoline price, winter unemployment, and winter weather conditions. Annual trapper harvest for red and gray foxes declined and was affected by gasoline price and winter unemployment, whereas annual trapper harvest for coyotes increased and was not strongly affected by other covariates. After adjusting for pelt price, harvest of red foxes was relatively stable, but harvest of gray foxes declined and harvest of coyotes increased. Effects of covariates on harvest per successful trapper varied by species; nevertheless, we detected an increasing trend for coyotes and decreasing trends for gray foxes and red foxes. Concordance across indices for gray foxes and coyotes was consistent with hypothesized declines for gray foxes and increases for coyotes in the midwestern United States. Trends for red foxes varied depending on how we accounted for potential confounding factors and it is unclear if these trends suggest population declines or distribution shifts to urban areas with reduced trapping susceptibility. Our results highlight the importance of understanding sources of variation in harvest data and that their effects can vary across species. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The vasopressin system has been implicated in the regulation of social behavior and cognition in humans, nonhuman primates and other social mammals. In chimpanzees, polymorphisms in the vasopressin V1a receptor gene (AVPR1A) have been associated with social dimensions of personality, as well as to responses to sociocommunicative cues and mirror self‐recognition. Despite evidence of this association with social cognition and behavior, there is little research on the neuroanatomical correlates of AVPR1A variation. In the current study, we tested the association between AVPR1A polymorphisms in the RS3 promotor region and gray matter covariation in chimpanzees using magnetic resonance imaging and source‐based morphometry. The analysis identified 13 independent brain components, three of which differed significantly in covariation between the two AVPR1A genotypes (DupB?/? and DupB+/?; P < .05). DupB+/? chimpanzees showed greater covariation in gray matter in the premotor and prefrontal cortex, basal forebrain, lunate and cingulate cortex, and lesser gray matter covariation in the superior temporal sulcus and postcentral sulcus. Some of these regions were previously found to differ in vasopressin and oxytocin neural fibers between nonhuman primates, and in AVPR1A gene expression in humans with different RS3 alleles. This is the first report of an association between AVPR1A and gray matter covariation in nonhuman primates, and specifically links an AVPR1A polymorphism to structural variation in the social brain network. These results further affirm the value of chimpanzees as a model species for investigating the relationship between genetic variation, brain structure and social cognition with relevance to psychiatric disorders, including autism.  相似文献   
Recovered otoliths from pinniped feces provide valuable information on diet composition and prey size. We studied the effect of meal size on otolith recovery from the feces of one harbor and eight gray seal pups. Each of 11 experiments comprised a half-ration meal, a period of fecal collection, a 1.5-or double-ration meal again followed by a period of fecal collection. A significantly lower percentage of Atlantic herring otoliths were recovered from half-ration meals (25%± 12.5% in the harbor seal, 8.6%± 6.9% in eight gray seals) than from 1.5- or double-ration meals (62.5%± 3.1 % in the harbor seal, 32.8%± 23.5% in gray seals). Meal size also significantly affected the percentage of Atlantic cod otoliths recovered from gray seal feces (65.0%± 26.3% from half ration, 98.3%± 2.9% from 1.5 ration). For both size meals, recovered cod otoliths were more significantly eroded than herring otoliths. The development of correction factors to account for the effects of digestion will need to consider the distribution of meal sizes of free-ranging pinnipeds.  相似文献   
To investigate characteristics of ATP-dependent sliding of a non-muscle cell myosin, obtained from a cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, on actin filament, we prepared hybrid thick filaments, in which Dictyostelium myosin was regularly arranged around paramyosin filaments obtained from a molluscan smooth muscle. A single to a few hybrid filaments were attached to a polystyrene bead (diameter, 4.5 μm; specific gravity, 1.5), and the filaments were made to slide on actin filament arrays (actin cables) in the internodal cell of an alga Chara corallina, mounted on the rotor of a centrifuge microscope. The filament-attached bead was observed to move with a constant velocity under a constant external load for many seconds. The steady-state force–velocity relation of Dictyostelium myosin sliding on actin cables was hyperbolic in shape except for large loads ≤0.7–0.8 P0, being qualitatively similar to that of skeletal muscle fibres, despite a considerable variation in the number of myosin molecules interacting with actin cables. Comparison of the P–V curves between Dictyostelium myosin and muscle myosins sliding on actin cables suggests that the time of attachment to actin in a single attachment–detachment cycle is much longer in Dictyostelium myosin than in muscle myosins.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Twenty different isolates of the cellular slime mold Acrasis rosea, obtained from diverse sources and geographic regions, were studied to determine similarities and differences in their development and structure in culture and their sensitivity or resistance to selected chemicals incorporated into the culture media. Six different classes of fruiting were defined based on the size, distribution, and type of sorocarps formed on the yeast, Rhodotorula, streaked on agar. In the course of these studies a significant mutant, NC-18V (variant), developed spontaneously from the wild type, normal parent strain NC-18N. The mutant differed considerably from all other Acrasis isolates, appeared several times in purified parental cultures, and represents the first laboratory derived variant of A. rosea to be described. Purified strains of the variant (V) and normal (N) cultures were obtained by single-spore isolation. Normal and variant amebae were mixed in ratios of 10:1 and 100:1 (N:V) and spore and stalk cells were selected from different sorocarps in various regions of the culture plate for analysis. The results of these selection experiments clearly indicate that the individual variant amebae have increased migratory ability and that they develop smaller, morphologically different, and more numerous sorocarps that form at distances further from the food source than NC-18N. Some isolates of Acrasis no longer were able to fruit and were classified as “non-fruiters” and a few other isolates formed only a few, small sorocarps on rare occasions. These isolates were mixed together in various combinations of 2 and 3 to screen for cell interaction, but no synergism contributing to fruiting was found. Although fruiting of many A. rosea isolates was inhibited by exposure to continuous light or constant darkness, some “escape”fruiting was noted in certain isolates even when small inocula were used. Single spore isolates of these escape fruiters still fruited in continuous light or dark, but fruiting was always greatly enhanced by a routine 12 hr light : 12 hr dark incubation cycle. It was shown by biochemical studies that actidione, crystal violet, malachite green, ethyl violet, and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine selectively killed some isolates and permitted a classification of isolates as either sensitive or resistant. In a further study of cell interaction between 2 different sets of Acrasis isolates with contrasting biochemical and morphologic markers the formation of neotypes or recombinants could not be demonstrated. The results of this study clearly indicate the existence of significant variation in A. rosea and the potential for application of these differences to developmental studies.  相似文献   
Species richness and distribution patterns of wood-inhabiting fungi and mycetozoans (slime moulds) were investigated in the canopy of a Central European temperate mixed deciduous forest. Species richness was described with diversity indices and species-accumulation curves. Nonmetrical multidimensional scaling was used to assess fungal species composition on different tree species. Different species richness estimators were used to extrapolate species richness beyond our own data. The reliability of the abundance-based coverage estimator, Chao, Jackknife and other estimators of species richness was evaluated for mycological surveys. While the species-accumulation curve of mycetozoans came close to saturation, that of wood-inhabiting fungi was continuously rising. The Chao 2 richness estimator was considered most appropriate to predict the number of species at the investigation site if sampling were continued. Gray's predictor of species richness should be used if statements of the number of species in larger areas are required. Multivariate analysis revealed the importance of different tree species for the conservation and maintenance of fungal diversity within forests, because each tree species possessed a characteristic fungal community. The described mathematical approaches of estimating species richness possess great potential to address fungal diversity on a regional, national, and global scale.  相似文献   
The plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum grow as multinucleated cells in the presence of sufficient humidity and nutriment. Under non-illuminating conditions, stresses such as low temperature or high concentrations of salts transform the plasmodia into spherules whereas dehydration induces sclerotization. Some phosphatases including protein phosphatase and acid phosphatase have been purified from the plasmodia, but alkaline phosphatase remains to be elucidated. Phosphatase of the plasmodia, spherules and sclerotia was visualized by electrophoresis gel-staining assay using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate. Insoluble fractions of the sclerotia were abundant in phosphatase activity. The phosphatase which was extracted by nonionic detergent was subjected to column chromatography and preparative electrophoresis. Purified phosphatase showed the highest activity at pH 8.8, indicating that this enzyme belongs to alkaline phosphatase. The apparent molecular mass from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-reducing condition was estimated to be 100 kDa whereas that under reducing was 105 kDa. An amount of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate or 0.5 M NaCl had no effects on the activity although the phosphatase showed heat instability, Mg2+-dependency and sensitivity to 2-glycerophosphate or NaF. The extracting conditions and enzymatic properties suggest that this alkaline phosphatase which is in a membrane-bound form plays important roles in phosphate metabolism.  相似文献   
为了合理保护和利用天敌及科学地选取抽样方法,开展了合肥地区秋冬季4个品种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitisGothe和茶蚜Toxoptera aurantii Boyer与其天敌之间空间关系研究,运用地学统计学方法求得天敌和害虫各自的变程,用灰色关联度分析方法分析害虫与天敌变程的关联度,关联度值越大的天敌在空间上对害虫的跟随关系越密切。分析了2010年9月28日至11月25日期间假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜数量最少的舒茶早茶园和二种害虫数量最多的平阳特早茶园天敌对害虫空间上的跟随关系,结果表明,二种茶园的假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜及其4种主要天敌均为聚集分布,舒茶早茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是斜纹猫蛛Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch(0.8594)和草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall(0.8397),与茶蚜空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是草间小黑蛛(0.7448)和斜纹猫蛛(0.7433);平阳特早茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是八斑球腹蛛Theridion ocomaculatum Bose.et Str(0.8207)和斜纹猫蛛(0.8104),与茶蚜空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是八斑球腹蛛(0.8324)和斜纹猫蛛(0.7730)。其中,11月25日4种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜数量均较多。分析了该日另外二个茶树品种福云六号和龙井长叶茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜与其天敌的空间关系,结果表明,二种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜及其天敌均为聚集分布,福云六号茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉变程值(3.8182)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(4.7222),与茶蚜变程值(6.5854)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(4.7222);龙井长叶茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉变程值(1.0000)最接近的天敌是八斑球腹蛛(1.0000),与茶蚜变程值(4.5000)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(7.6316)。总之,秋冬季4个品种茶园斜纹猫蛛在空间上是假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜跟随关系最密切的天敌,其次是八斑球腹蛛和草间小黑蛛。  相似文献   
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